Duke respiratory care practitioners lead educational programs on respiratory-related topics within the local community as well as in programs designed for national and international audiences.
Duke respiratory care practitioners also actively participate in educational programs sponsored by state and national professional organizations (e.g. multiple state societies for respiratory care, American Association for Respiratory Care, American College of Chest Physicians and the Society of Critical Care Medicine).
- Duke respiratory care practitioners have held or currently hold positions in the AARC and the North Carolina Society of Respiratory Care leadership and Board of Directors
- Duke RCS is actively involved in abstract presentations, lectures and workshops with the following groups:
- American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC)
- North Carolina Society for Respiratory Care
- American Thoracic Society
- Society of Critical Care Medicine
- American College of Chest Physicians
- Extra-Corporeal Life Support Organization (ELSO)
- National and International Educational Programs include:
- Partnership with the American College of Chest Physicians in presenting ongoing airway, ventilator management workshops and pulmonary rehabilitation
- presentations for the AARC in presenting airway and ventilator workshops
- Optimizing Mechanical Ventilation (OMV) course at Duke University Medical Center
We also enjoy ongoing clinical affiliations with respiratory care programs from multiple states and host students from Taiwan.